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A Bridge too Far

3 April 2020 One of the most popular hikes in Sedona is the 5.8 mile loop to Devil’s bridge, a natural bridge in the Red Rock State Park formed through years of erosion.  Dean assured me that it was perfectly safe…

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Roswell – the Ruth is out there

In 1947 a ‘weather balloon’ crashed near the town of Roswell in New Mexico and ever since the locals have been been making good money charging tourists to see alien memorabilia made out of local junk. In fact it is…

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Hamilton Pools

Hamilton Pools in the Travis County near Austin has been described as the area’s ‘Best Kept Secret” and one of the state’s best swimming holes. Unfortunately the secret is out. Numbers of visitors are controlled and reservations - particularly in…

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Houston Rodeo

Nothing creates a traffic jam quite like cowboys riding down the freeway, so when we saw police cars escorting a bunch of riders down interstate 59, we were curious to know what it was all about. As it turned out,…

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Houston Space Centre

When you drive around Houston you can’t help but notice that Americans are very patriotic. If it is shaped like a pole, or in anyway pole like, they‘ll hang a flag on it. Sometimes two - a state flag and…

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The Trans-Siberian makes all other trips seem like once around the sand-box on Thomas the Tank Engine. Not to be outdone are the metro stations of Moscow, with their bas-reliefs, stuccos and mosaics of Soviet patriotism.

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Blood on the Sand

Bull fighting isn’t for the faint hearted and, some would argue, shouldn’t be for the stout hearted either. Lenesça and I saw our first (and only) corrida de toros in Oaxaca, Mexico, and even though we knew the bulls died…

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Dressed to Kill

Dressed in iridescent blue huipile, a young Mayan highlander at the local market in Santa Catarina Palopo (Guatemala) clutches two roosters as her mother negotiates with the buyer. She won’t get much. There are leather shoes more tender than these…

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Eagle Hunting

Hunting bunnies with eagles is not for everyone because generally speaking, things turn out pretty poorly for the bunnies. Steph and I met the eagle hunter pictured opposite in Mongolia. The deal we struck was that we would provide a…

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Children Carrying Water – Trobriand Is

Helping out around the house, carrying water is left to the kids on the Trobriand Islands, east of the PNG's main island. Even the smallest helps out. Small kid – small bottle, big kid – big bottle. Much like the…

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Konmal Tribesman

You have a little something on your lip. This guy has tied a couple of boar tusks under his nose to look fierce although his friendly grin is not helping in that regard. Proud to be photographed and representing the…

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Tari Wigman

Don't touch the do! Seriously. These guys spend years growing their hair to weave magical wigs that will last them a lifetime. No sex, some serious taboos, a strict diet and a whole lot of grooming go into growing a…

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On the Road in Mongolia

Researching the Guide to Mongolia for Lonely Planet is a dream job. This is a typical day at the office when I'm researching. Driving through some spectacular scenery that few ever get to visit. The car is not mine -…

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Getting Around – Mongolia Style

Adding a splash of colour to this featureless stretch of the Gobi Desert and proving the point that sidecarts are cool, no matter where you are, this family heads home after a day in town. I particularly like the way…

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Chimbu Mudmen

The tribesmen of Chimbu are famous - well at least in Papua New Guinea - for their 'mudmen' look. When every other tribe are going hard out in feathers and leaves, these guys have opted for a more earthy (literally)…

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