Helping out around the house, carrying water is left to the kids on the Trobriand Islands, east of the PNG’s main island. Even the smallest helps out. Small kid – small bottle, big kid – big bottle. Much like the UN way of figuring out how many peace keeping troops each country should contribute.
Children Carrying Water – Trobriand Is

Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea
Top Tip
Ever since the anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski wrote “The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia” about Trobriand Islanders in the 1920s, these islands have been visited by people interested in the unique cultural expressions of the islanders and the opportunity to see life relatively unchanged for 100 years. This was the only culture on earth that saw no relationship between sex and child birth and consequentially a rather free-loving, no-strings-attached attitude around sex developed. see my other posts about the Milamala Festival .
Written by Dean
Photography by Dean