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Moeraki Boulders
Moeraki Boulders
Like discarded giant marbles - the Moeraki Boulders, East coast, New Zealand
Moeraki Boulders
Moeraki Boulders, NZ

The Moeraki Boulders on the East Coast of New Zealand’s South Island look as if they are a set of marbles left behind by a careless giant. The rocks are perfectly round and volcanic in nature (don’t quote me on that). You can see more rocks being exposed in the bank behind the beach. as the elements erode the bank, the boulders are uncovered and eventually drop and roll there way onto the beach.

Shutter speed: 30 seconds
Aperature: 3.5
ISO: 100

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Moeraki Boulders
Top Tip
In order to get this misty effect I left the shutter open for a long time so the tide could swirl around the rocks. So as not to flood the camera with light I went on dusk. The result was kind of surreal.
Written by Dean
Photography by Dean